Exchange Server

Comment répliquer des connecteurs Exchange

Context When you have multiple incoming receive connectors, it might be appropriate to merge all connectors. When you have multiple Exchange Servers, you are compelled to have same configuration anywhere Audit Let’s get backup Exchange Reference Receive-Connectors Get-ReceiveConnector -Server $env:COMPUTERNAME | Export-Clixml -Path C:\EXPLOIT\$($env:COMPUTERNAME).ReceiveConnectors.xml  Merge Connectors On the destination computers, let’s get only our usefull […]

Comment répliquer des connecteurs Exchange Lire la suite »

Clients Office 365, protégez votre messagerie !!!

L’offre Microsoft Beaucoup d’utilisateurs Office 365 pensent être protégés des SPAM et virus avec l’offre Exchange online incluse dans Office 365, mais c’est faux. Par défaut, Exchange Online ne fait que détecter les spam et virus, puis les classe dans les courriers indésirables quand il peut. Vous restez donc exposé au phishing. Pour renforcer cette sécurité

Clients Office 365, protégez votre messagerie !!! Lire la suite »

Protect Email Phishing with MX, SPF, DKIM and DMARC

Summary Basic phishing emails are so effective that most hackers don’t use exploit kits anymore.It becomes very easy to spread virus ransomware if your mail servers are not protected, even with Office 365 and Exchange OnLine. Context French Government National (through ANSII) Study Cybersecurity recommends setting up security on emails: US Government also

Protect Email Phishing with MX, SPF, DKIM and DMARC Lire la suite »

DSC myAdExchPrepareSchema.psm1

How to Exchange Prepare Schema with PowerShell DSC During some automatized deployments, as often, we have to deploy Microsoft Exchange 2016 automatically. The well-known module does many things, but no Exchange preparation on a fresh AD. Here is a simple DSC Code which checks if AD schema is at the right version if not, launch Exchange setup

DSC myAdExchPrepareSchema.psm1 Lire la suite »